Posts tagged English
Zygon calls for papers
12011 Student Symposium
The Zygon Center for Religion and Science and its Religion and Science Student Society are pleased to announce the third annual Student Symposium on Science and Spirituality, to be held on Friday, March 25, 2011 at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (Chicago, Illinois).
The Student Symposium is a one-day conference designed to provide an interdisciplinary, ecumenical, and inter-religious forum for graduate students in any academic discipline to engage in rigorous and collaborative conversations in religion and science.
Our first two symposia each drew more than 70 participants and featured student speakers and panelists from schools across the United States and Canada
Please download, read and share our 2011 Call for Papers (PDF)
Source: Zygon Center
Gwiezdna teologia – refleksje Teda Petersa
3AstroTheology: Religious Reflections on Extraterrestrial Life Forms
A series of articles by Ted Peters
Sources: Counterbalance Interactive Library
Call for Abstracts
0American Scientific Affiliation 66th Annual Meeting
July 29–August 1, 2011
North Central College, Naperville, IL
Science-Faith Synergy: Glorifying God and Serving Humankind
“Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.
Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”
Proverbs 4:7, NIV
Source: American Scientific Affiliation
More below
Paul WEINGARTNER o dowodzeniu istnienia Boga
14 października 2010 r. o godz. 15
Kraków, Sala Reprezentacyjna Pałacu Larischa, ul. Bracka 12
John Barrow w Watykanie o kosmosie
JOHN DAVID BARROW, Cambridge University
Friday, 10 December 2010 – 06.00 p.m.
Presided by Card. Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture
Response: José G. Funes S.J., Vatican Observatory
Moderator: Piero Benvenuti Italian Space Agency – ASI
Abstract and further info: below
Nowe numery czasopism
0CiS Newsletter, current and recent issues: PréCiS 49 Winter 2009/10
CiS Journal, current issue: Science & Christian Belief, April 2009
konferencja dla młodych naukowców
0Student Conference
Being A Christian in Science
Special Guest Speaker John Polkinghorne
Saturday 27th November 2010, 10:00-17:30
London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC)
St. Peter’s, Vere Street, London W1G 0DQ
Contact [email protected] to register.
Źródło: Christians in Science
Wiara i rozum: seria wykładów im. Św.Tomasza z Akwinu
0Wiara i rozum: seria wykładów im. Św.Tomasza z Akwinu to pełna nazwa cyklu, który rozpoczął się w duszpasterstwie akademickim na Uniwersytecie Columbia w Nowym Jorku. Kierujący nim polscy dominikanie chcą w ten sposób odpowiedzieć na potrzebę formacji teologicznej wśród katolickich studentów tej uczelni.
W środę 22.09 wykład inauguracyjny pt. „Creation and a Self-Sufficient Universe: Evolution, Cosmology, and St. Thomas Aquinas” wygłosił prof. William E. Carroll z Uniwersytetu w Oxfordzie (Anglia). Nagrania wykładów będą dostępne online na stronie (link nie jest jeszcze aktywny):
Za: Biuletyn Tygodniowy Centrum Informacyjnego Zakonów. Zdjęcie: Wikimedia.
Dalsze informacje i pełna lista wykładów poniżej
Religia i Naturalizm – Konferencja w Londynie
0Religion and Naturalism
Saturday 12 June 2010
Heythrop College, University of London
How should defenders of religion respond to the naturalist challenge? Is naturalism a coherent outlook, or is it an illegitimate attempt to extend the scope of science to the whole of reality? Is a theistic worldview – in its implications for ethics, for psychology, for cosmology – on a collision course with naturalism? The distinguished speakers at this one-day conference, organized by the Centre for the Philosophy of Religion at Heythrop College, University of London, will be debating an issue that has become central to contemporary philosophy of religion.