Posts tagged English

The 15th Kraków Methodological Conference


The Emotional Brain:

From the Humanities to Neuroscience and Back Again

19-20 May 2011, Kraków

In the past, emotions and feelings belonged to the domain of the humanities. They were analyzed by philosophers and cherished by poets, while the sciences looked at them with suspicion or simply ignored them.

The 'affective revolution’ of the 1990s changed all this. Neuroscientists have showed us that emotions and feelings can be investigated with empirical methods. Moreover, they proved that the role of emotions is essential both for our perception of the world and for our social institutions. The challenge that we face today may be described as follows. Can both disciplines – the humanities and neuroscience – enrich and educate each other and close the gap between the Geisteswissenschaften and Naturwissenschaften. Or maybe it is neuroscience that will dominate the reflection over the human emotional life? Or possibly it will stay as it is: two separate disciplines, two separate methods, with no real point of contact?

Source: Conference Website

O nauce i religii z prof. Owenem Gingerichem


Goshen College Religion and Science Conference

MARCH 25-27, 2011 AT GOSHEN COLLEGE, Northern Indiana, USA

At the eleventh annual Goshen College Religion and Science Conference the speaker will be Owen Gingerich, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and of the History of Science at Harvard University and a senior astronomer emeritus at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

The lectures on Friday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, March 26 at 10:30 a.m. in the Goshen College Church-Chapel free and open to the public.

Source: Goshen College


Nauka i duchowość: jaka jest przyszłość człowieka?





What Is Our Human Future?


at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

on Friday, March 25, 2011



Jak rozumieć stworzenie na obraz Boga w kontekście ewolucji człowieka?


Public Forum with Joshua Moritz on

Chosen from Among the Animals: The End of Human Uniqueness and the Election of the Image of God

April 14, 2011: 7pm,

Graduate Theological Union Library, Dinner Board Room, 2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley

(free and open to the public)

What does it mean for human beings to be created in the ‘image and likeness of God’? In both popular opinion and the minds of many scientists and academics, the idea of human uniqueness and human superiority has been linked to the Christian doctrine of the imago Dei. Among Christian philosophers and theologians the connection between the unique nature of humans and the divine likeness has similarly been assumed and even systematically argued for. Pursuing what is called the comparative approach to theological anthropology these philosophers and theologians have asked, in what ways is human nature different from the nature of animals and, therefore, like the nature of God? In contrast to these scholars, Moritz questions any concept of the image of God that equates the imago Dei with some characteristic or capacity which presumably makes humans unique—in a non-trivial way—from other animals. He concludes that the image of God is—exegetically and theologically—best understood in light of the Hebrew theological framework of historical election. Viewing the imago Dei as election incorporates the findings of contemporary biblical studies and takes seriously scientific understandings of both evolutionary continuity and the psychosomatic unity of the human person.

Source: CTNS

Natchnienie w nauce i religii




25-27 SEPTEMBER 2011,


Inspiration is twofold: on the one hand it is a sense of purpose which permeates everyday activities. On the other hand it refers to a moment of clarity, a moment in which some internal struggle becomes resolved or some inchoate idea becomes formed. But where does inspiration come from and what is its status in different areas of human endeavour?

Source: Science and Religion Forum


Teologia wobec nowej wiedzy o człowiekuk


Christians in Science Northern Conference 2011

All God’s Creatures

March 19th 2011

Edinburgh, UK

New discoveries are providing insights into what it means to be human in today’s world and in the context of the story of God’s creation. Alongside this we are also finding the boundaries of our particular uniqueness in this story challenged and perhaps adjusted in the light of our increasing understanding of the universe around us and through our own inventiveness. Our conference will examine many of these discoveries and explore their implications for both Christian theology and also for the Church and wider community. There will be opportunities for dialogue and discussion with the speakers throughout the day.

Program: below


O nauczaniu religii i naukach przyrodniczych w Cambridge


Science and Religious Education in Schools: New Possibilities

Garden Room, Library Building, St Edmund’s College, Cambridge

June 25-25, 2011

Aim of conference: This one-day conference will provide an intensive and exciting programme for those with an interest in the teaching and learning of science and religion. It will suit teachers and trainee teachers of science and religious education in primary and secondary schools. Join us to share ideas; hear from lead-researchers; ask questions of an expert panel and to network over a buffet lunch (which is included within the fee). There will also be a presentation of the LASAR project initial findings.

Source and more about the event: The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

Conference schedule and speakres below


Letnia Szkoła w Cambridge


Summer Course: Science and Religion in Dialogue in 2011

St Edmund’s College, Cambridge: July 17-23, 2011

Aim of Course: In this one week course a wide range of topics at the science/religion interface will be addressed by internationally renowned speakers. The topics to be covered include historical and philosophical perspectives; the relationships between physics, evolutionary biology and neuroscience with religion; and some of the ethical issues raised by science.

Speakers (listed in alphabetical order) and topics below

Source: The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion


Georges Lemaître in memoriam


The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in collaboration with

The Pontifical Academy of Sciences and The Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome

The Georges Lemaître Anniversary Conference

Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge,

Thursday 7th – Sunday 10th April 2011

Speakers include:

Prof. John Barrow FRS [Cambridge University]

Dr William Carroll [Oxford University]

Dr George Coyne S.J. [Vatican Observatory, University of Arizona]

Prof. George Ellis FRS [University of Cape Town]

Prof. Michał Heller [Pontifical Academy of Theology, Cracow]

Revd Dr Rodney Holder [The Faraday Institute]

Prof. Helge Kragh [Aarhus University]

Prof. Dominique Lambert [University of Namur]

Prof. Don Page [University of Alberta]

Revd Dr John Polkinghorne KBE FRS [Cambridge University]

Prof. Paul Shellard [Cambridge University]

Dr William Stoeger S.J. [Vatican Observatory, University of Arizona]

Prof. Keith Ward FBA [Oxford University]


Nauka i teologia – kurs online



St John’s College, Durham

‘The new dialogue of science and theology in mission and ministry’ is a newly-created on-line course.  It is a stand-alone module (though it can also be taken as one component of a full Masters Degree course at Durham University, UK).  The module is led by Revd Dr David Wilkinson, Principal of St John’s College there.

The module takes seriously the way that the scientific world is raising both challenges and opportunities for faith and Christian ministry.  It explores these questions in the light of the Biblical themes of creation and new creation.  It also takes seriously how these questions work out in pop culture.  Be prepared for Homer Simpson debating with Stephen Hawking, Star Wars and Isaac Newton, eschatology and The Matrix.

All work will be done on line.  The module will allow each student to join a learning community through on-line resources, message boards, chat sessions with leading scientists, and a different way of reflecting on theology and ministry.  It will run during the autumn of 2008, with 3 hours’ interaction each week.

Tuition fees are £666 (equivalent to about €830 at time of going to press).  A bursary of £80 (about €100 at time of going to press) is available for those in Christian ministry.

Further details at: site of St-Johns College

Source: ESSAT

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