

ESSSAT NewsBiuletyn European Society for the Study of Science and Theology. Ukazuje się cztery razy do roku. Zawiera ogłoszenia o konferencjach, sprawozdania z konferencji, recenzje książek, dane bibliograficzne oraz różne okazjonalne dodatki. Zobacz archiwum biuletynu (dokumenty w formacie .pdf)



Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. Published since 1966, Zygon is dedicated to the manifold interactions between the sciences and human religious and moral convictions. We seek to consider the whole range of the sciences; cosmology and physics, biology and the neurosciences, sociology, psychology, and anthropology. We seek to be open to religious and non-religious perspectives, those rooted in the great traditions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, but also to religious naturalism, secular humanism, and atheism, both variants at home in the Western world and versions elsewhere on our globe. We cover ideas (theories, theologies) as well as practices. We address ethical issues and analyze the history of the differentiation between science and religion and their subsequent interactions.


Zygon’s entire collection of articles of well over 40 years is available online



Connaître, la revue édite par L’Association Foi-et-Culture-Scientifique, AFCS depuis 1993. Deux ou trois numéros sont publiés par an. Les articles reflètent les interrogations et propositions de scientifiques chrétiens qui cherchent à articuler la connaissance objective avec l’expression et le contenu de leur foi. “Connaître” tire chacun de ses numéros en 250 à 300 exemplaires, qui sont diffusés à près de 200 abonnés. La revue est associée au Réseau Blaise Pascal. Elle publie notamment les actes des colloques organisés par ce réseau (RBP) , ainsi que ceux de l’Association des Scientifiques Chrétiens (ASC).



Science & Christian Belief is a journal concerned with the interactions of science and religion, with particular reference to Christianity. It was founded in 1989, published by Paternoster Periodicals and is sponsored by Christians in Science and the Victoria Institute. There are two Issues per year published on 15 April and 15 October. A distinguished Editorial Board represents the broad multi-disciplinary interests of the journal. Subscriptions can either be made direct to the publishers or by joining one of the sponsoring organisations.

Christians in Science Newsletter, current and recent issues: PréCiS 49 Winter 2009/10

Christians in Science Journal, current issue: Science & Christian Belief, April 2009



Theology and Science is the scholarly journal of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences and is published by Routledge. The primary editorial goal of Theology and Science is to publish critically reviewed articles that promote the creative mutual interaction between the natural sciences and theology. While the journal assumes the integrity of each domain, its primary aim is to explore this interaction in terms of the implications of the natural sciences for constructive research in philosophical and systematic theology, the philosophical and theological elements within and underlying theoretical research in the natural sciences, and the relations and interactions between theological and scientific methodologies. The secondary editorial goal is to monitor and critically assess debates and controversies arising in the broader field of science and religion. Thus, Theology and Science investigates, analyzes, and reports on issues as they arise with the intention of prompting further academic discussion of them.

The central scientific focus of Theology and Science is on developments in physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and genetics, with additional topics in the neurosciences, the environmental sciences, and mathematics. With regard to the theological task, Theology and Science engages in both Christian and multi-religious reflection. The Christian theological agenda focuses on the various doctrinal loci of systematic theology. The multi-religious agenda attends primarily to theological issues arising from the engagement between the sciences and religious traditions such as Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and native spiritualities. This approach reflects the editors’ assumption that theology, as intellectual reflection upon one’s religious tradition, should begin by expressing the fundamental commitments and worldview of a specific religious understanding, and that dialogue with science can best be pursued when such a religious understanding is given self-critical expression.

Attention is also given to research into the historical relationship between science and religion, along with research into the broader relationship between the philosophy of science and the philosophy of religion. Research in the social sciences and in the humanities is invited to complement these primary foci when it offers needed connections between scientific theories and theology. This may also involve the resources of such disciplines as anthropology, cultural studies, historical theology, and metaphysics.

Theology and Science Table of Contents years 2003-2010



Reviews in Science and Religion

REVIEWS is published by the Science and Religion Forum as a service to members, and includes recent reviews of books in the general field of science and religion as well as news about the Forum. It is published twice a year, in May and November. Material should be sent to the Editor, with an electronic copy, by March 1 and September 1 respectively.

Members are invited to bring to the Editor’s attention appropriate reviews, particularly those written by members, for consideration in a future issue. Members are requested to obtain the permission of the editor of the journal of the original publication. It is sometimes possible to include other articles, such as comment on particular issues or notice of meetings. Enquiries should be sent to the Editor in good time.

EDITOR: Dr Louise Hickman, Newman University College, Genners Lane, Bartley Green, Birmingham, B32 3NT

Source: SRF


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