Reading room

Nauka – Religia

Science and Religion – Reading room


Science and Technology in the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Pope John Paul II on science and religion

Benoit XVI, L’harmonie entre sciences et foi (Texte de 2006 sur Galilée, sur la priorité de la raison et sur la Raison créatrice)

George V. Coyne, S.J., John Paul II on the relationship between the natural sciences and religious belief: five key discourses



Dizionario Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede – Il Dizionario è principalmente indirizzato a docenti di materie scientifico-filosofiche delle scuole superiori, ad universitari interessati a temi interdisciplinari, ad intellettuali credenti, oppure no, che desiderano avere accesso ad una documentazione aggiornata e ad una riflessione metodologicamente rigorosa sulle tematiche di maggiore attualità culturale investite dal rapporto fra scienza, filosofia e teologia. I testi delle voci on line sono tratti dall’opera Dizionario Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede. Cultura scientifica, filosofia e teologia, a cura di G. Tanzella-Nitti e A. Strumia, 2 voll., 170 voci più appendici, Urbaniana University Press – Città Nuova Editrice, Roma 2002, pp. 2340.

Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia of Religion and Science – This Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia is intended to provide new scholarly articles in the rapidly-growing international field of Religion and Science. These articles were written primarily by European authors and are available here for the first time in English translation. They offer a unique window into the approaches and perspectives of the European community towards what has become a field of immense cultural significance throughout the world. Each article provides a very readable and comprehensive summary of what is currently being discussed in religion and science on a specific topic as well as how these topics were discussed historically.

L’Archivio su „Scienza e Religione” nel nuovo sito del Pontificio Consiglio per la Cultura all’interno di questo portale STOQ. I testi potranno essere consultati sia in formato HTML che PDF. Pontifical Council for Culture’s Documentation Archive about the Science and Religion dialogue and downloading the available materials, useful for your information, study and research

Los documentos de los miembros del Grupo de Investigación sobre Ciencia, Razón y Fe (CRYF). Strona w języku hiszpańskim prowadzona przez Grupo de Investigación sobre Ciencia, Razón y Fe (CRYF) z Universidad de Navarra. Zbiór kilkudziesięciu artykułów w następujących sekcjach: Origen del universo, Evolución, Intelligent Design (Diseño inteligente), Orden, complejidad y fin alidad, Naturaleza y persona, Ciencia y verdad, Ciencia y religión, Caso Galileo.

Esta página recoge la relación de documentos que los miembros del Grupo de Investigación sobre Ciencia, Razón y Fe (CRYF) ponen en la red a disposición de quien desee consultarlos. Como cualquier otro documento o artículo, pueden citarse en un trabajo, siguiendo las normas de citación de recursos electrónicos. El copyright de los documentos pertenece a los autores, sin perjuicio de derechos intelectuales o de propiedad de terceros. La opiniones expresadas en los documentos son exclusiva responsabilidad de los respectivos autores.

Big Question Online – an initiative of the Templeton Foundation. Exploring Big Questions related to science, religion, markets, morals, and all the ways they intersect. Blogs and articles. Follow on Twitter.

A TEMPLETON CONVERSATION series. This is a series of conversations about the “Big Questions” the John Templeton Foundation. It is conducting among leading scientists and scholars.

First conversation: Does the Universe Have a Purpose? With contributions by: Lawrence M. Krauss | Paul Davies | David Gelernter | Peter William Atkins | Nancey Murphy | Owen Gingerich | Bruno Guiderdoni | Christian de Duve | John F. Haught | Neil deGrasse Tyson | Jane Goodall | Elie Weisel

For a PDF of the entire conversation, click here.

Does science make belief in God obsolete? This is the third in a series of conversations among leading scientists and scholars about the „Big Questions.” With contributions by: Steven Pinker | Jerome Groopman | Christoph Cardinal Schönborn | William D. Phillips | Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy | Mary Midgley | Robert Sapolsky | Christopher Hitchens | Keith Ward | Victor J. Stenger | Michael Shermer | Kenneth Miller | Stuart Kauffman

For a PDF, here. To view featured debates among the contributors, click here.

Does evolution explain human nature? This is the fifth in a series of conversations among leading scientists, scholars, and public figures about the „Big Questions.” With contributions by: Frans de Waal | Joan Roughgarden | Simon Conway Morris | Lynn Margulis | Francis Collins | Geoffrey Miller | Martin Nowak | Robert Wright | Francisco J. Ayala | Eva Jablonka | Jeffrey Schloss | David Sloan Wilson

For a PDF, here.

Issues in science and religion Short lectures, articles and commentaries relevant to current issues in science and religion by prominent scholars in the field. From The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge.

The Tablet’s series of articles by Guy CONSOLMAGNO SJ from Vatican Observatory


Catholic Perspectives on Faith and Science website by  the Catholic Perspectives project of the Newman Center at Caltech (Catholics at the California Institute of Technology)




Lisiak Bogdan SJ, Nauka i religia: konflikt czy dialog?

ks. Grzegorz Bugajak, W chwili zero, (Co z tym Wszechświatem – jeżeli nie istniał od zawsze, dlaczego i od kiedy się rozszerza – i dokąd zmierza?)

Jean Ladriére, Filozofia chrześcijańska a nauka

Zbigniew Kępa, Recepcja darwinizmu na ziemiach polskich w latach od 1859 do 1884

Robert John Russell,Bridging Science and Religion: Why it Must be Done

Alister McGrath, Isn’t science more rational than faith? (pdf)

Intervista al Prof. Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti, Galileo e Darwin: hanno aperto strade nuove, anche per la riflessione teologica


Jean-Michel Maldamé, Big bang et creation. Vie, oeuvre et pensée de Georges Lemaître (pdf)

Ted Peters, AstroTheology: Religious Reflections on Extraterrestrial Life Forms. A series of articles

Jacques Arsac, La finitude de l’homme et l’infini de Dieu

Remi Sentis, L’intelligence artificielle et l’esprit humain

Yves Saillard, Un texte de Pie XII sur la réalité objective de la connaissance scientifique

Remi Sentis, La pensée est-elle uniquement une sécrétion du cerveau ?

Philippe Sentis, Hasard et providence

Extraits du discours de Ratisbone de Benoit XVI – Quels citères pour la scientificité ? Peut-on renvoyer à la subjectivité tout ce qui ne relève pas de la scientificité ?

Br. Guy Consolmagno SJ, Can the ‘God Particle’ lead us to God?

Józef Życiński, Evolutionary Theism and the Emergent Universe

Józef Życiński, The search for truth in the dialogue between science and faith

Józef Życiński, Modele ewolucji alternatywnej a problem wszechmocy Boga

Józef Życiński, Evolution and the Doctrine of Creation

Józef Życiński, Evolutionary Anthropology, Human Culture and Biological Determinants

Józef Życiński, Czy Bóg mógł stworzyć człowieka zgodnie z teorią Darwina?

Józef Życiński, Dio avrebbe potuto creare l’uomo conformemente alla teoria di Darwin?

Józef Życiński, La science et la foi dans l’optique de la recherche du Sens: La théorie de l’évolution et le Logos divin

Józef Życiński, Bioethics, technology and human dignity: the Roman Catholic Viewpoint

Józef Życiński, Nauka i wiara w perspektywie poszukiwania Sensu

Józef Życiński, Między biologią a duchowością: kultura ludzka w perspektywie emergentyzmu


Wiara i teologia a neuronauki

Religion and neurosciences

Pierre-Yves Brandt, Fabrice Clément, Russell Re Manning, Neurotheology: challenges and opportunities (PDF); source:

Philip Clayton, Neuroscience, the Person and God: An Emergentist Account (PDF); source:



Piotr Gutowski, Czym jest nowy ateizm?

Waldemar Czajkowski, Uwagi o dialogu między teizmami i ateizmami

Stanisław Wszołek, Obrona przesłania religijnego w dobie nowego ateizmu

Jacek Wojtysiak, Naturalizm w naukowym kostiumie

Jan Pleszczyński, Czy jest możliwa racjonalna debata z nowym ateizmem?

Anna Latawiec, Próba nakreślenia kierunku dla debaty z nowym ateizmem

Abstrakty i dłuższe wystąpieniaz konferencji „Nauki przyrodnicze a nowy ateizm”, KUL, Lublin, 16-17 listopad 2010

Andrzej Sarnacki SJ, Irytująca wiara (Główna teza ateizmu jest w każdym czasie ta sama: Bóg nie istnieje, gdyż nie potwierdza tego doświadczenie empiryczne.)

Alvin Plantinga, Science or naturalism? The contradictions of Richard Dawkins, (na ABC RELIGION AND ETHICS 12 apr 2012)

Peter Harrison, Does science make belief in God obsolete?, (na ABC RELIGION AND ETHICS 11 apr 2012)

Neil Ormerod, Behold the mighty multiverse! The deficient faith of Lawrence Krauss, (na ABC RELIGION AND ETHICS 11 apr 2012)

Keith Ward, The New Atheism, an article originally published in the Church Times and responding to the views of Stephen Hawking


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