Posts tagged English

Ludzkość, Boskość i kosmiczna ewolucja


The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, a part of the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford

warmly invites:

Hope in the Universe? Humanity and Divinity

in the light of cosmic evolution

Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell

03 Nov 2011, The Old Dining Room, Harris Manchester College at 8:30 PM, with Drinks at 8:15PM.

This seminar, by an eminent astronomer famous for her discovery of radio pulsars while still a graduate student, will examine the prospects for humanity in the light of our current best understanding about the evolution of the universe and the questions this raises about the nature of God and the nature of hope.

Source: IRC

Letni Kurs o dialogi nauki i religii w Cambridge


The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

Summer Course no. 6: Science and Religion in Dialogue in 2011

July 17-23, 2011

St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, UK

Aim of Course: In this one week course a wide range of topics at the science/religion interface will be addressed by internationally renowned speakers. The topics to be covered include historical and philosophical perspectives; the relationships between physics, evolutionary biology and neuroscience with religion; and some of the ethical issues raised by science.

Speakers, schedule, fees and applications: here

Nauka i Religia – wprowadzenie w problematykę


The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambrigde

Invites for the course

An Introduction to Science and Religion

24-26 giugno 2011

Union Theological College, Belfast (U.K.)

Course schedule: below

Application forms and fees: here


Co to jest życie? Teologia, Nauka, Filozofia – konferencja w Krakowie


The Centre of Theology and Philosophy, The Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology (DePaul University), The Pontifical University of John Paul II (Kraków), The Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (Kraków), The Institute for Faith and Learning (Baylor University)

Invite for the conference:

What is Life? Theology, Science, and Philosophy

24-28 giugno 2011

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawla II, Kanonicza 25, Kraków (Poland) ‎


Centre of Theology and Philosophy, UK


Participants: below


Rola i przyszłość uniwersytetu – konfernecja na Uniwersytecie Laterańskim


Vicariate of Rome – University Pastoral Care Office invites for

VIII International Symposium of University Professors

The University and the Challenges of hte knowledges: which future?

23 – 25 June 2011

Sede: Aula Magna, Pontificia Università Lateranense,

piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4, Roma



Nauka, Teologia i Uniwersytet – konferencja w Malibu


Christian Scholars’ Conference 2011

The Path of Discovery: Science, Theology, and the Academy

June 16-18, 2011

Pepperdine University, Malibu, California

Talks by

Francis S. Collins (genetist, Director of the National Human Genome Research)

Reverend Dr. John Polkinghorne (president of the International Society for Science and Religion, the Society of Ordained Scientists)

Simran Sethi (journalist, Winner of the Emmy Award, professor of the University of Kansas School of Journalism and Mass Communications)

Ted Peters (Ph.D. University of Chicago, Professor of the Systematic Theology at the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and Graduate Theological Union a Berkeley, California)


Ewolucja biologiczna 150 lat po „O powstawaniu gatunków”


The Specialization in Science and Philosophy at the Gregorian University is glad to present the volume

Biological Evolution: Facts and Theories. A Critical Appraisal 150 Years After “The Origin of Species”

G. Auletta, M. Leclerc, R. A. Martinez (eds), G&B press 2011

May 27th (4.15 pm)

Aula Magna. La locandina, Gregorian University, Rom, Italy

At the event, Prof. Werner Arber, the new President of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, will offer a Public Lecture on:

Molecular Darwinism in the Context of Sustainable Development

Introduction: R.P. François-Xavier Dumortier S.I., Magnifico Rettore della Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Conclusions: Prof. Gennaro Auletta, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Vice Direttore della Conferenza

Conferenza in lingua inglese con traduzione simultanea in italiano

O Darwinie, Teilhardzie i dramacie życia w Nowym Jorku


American Teilhard Association Annual Meeting

Darwin, Teilhard, and the Drama of Life

Speaker: John F. Haught

Saturday,  May 14, 2011, 12:30pm

Union Theological Seminary
3041 Broadway at 121st Street
New York, New York

O wierze i filozofii w Londynie


Centre for Philosophy of Religion

Heythrop College, University of London

announces conference:

Faith and Philosophy

Saturday 11th June, 2011

The Loyola Hall, Heythrop College, Kensington Square, London W8 5HN

Programme (below)


Seminaria w Ian Ramsey Center 2011


Forthcoming seminars in Ian Ramsey Center for Science and Religion

the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford

17 Nov 2011Chaos and the Character of God – Prof. Paul Ewart

03 Nov 2011Hope in the Universe? Humanity and Divinity in the light of cosmic evolution – Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell

26 May 2011Morality, Neuroscience and Religion: The Sacred Rites in Kant’s Soul – Dr Stephen Clarke

12 May 2011Evolutionary Theology without the Concept of 'Progress’ – Dr Fraser N. Watts

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