
Nobel Prize holder Luc Montagnier on Science and Faith

Le nuove sfide dell’umanità tra scienza e fede
Luc Montagnier

23 march 2012, La Sala della Lupa di Palazzo Montecitorio, Roma, Italy

Presso la Sala della Lupa di Palazzo Montecitorio si è tenuto l’incontro con il Premio Nobel per la Medicina, Luc Montagnier, sul tema „Le nuove sfide dell’umanità tra scienza e fede”, in occasione della pubblicazione del libro „Il Nobel e il monaco”, edizioni Giunti. Ha introdotto l’evento il Presidente della Camera dei deputati, Gianfranco Fini. Sono intervenuti Sua Eccellenza Monsignor Lorenzo Leuzzi, Rocco Buttiglione, Renato Farina, Luis Vàzquez Martìnez.. (23.03.12)

Below the whole lecture on youtube (1.20h).


Nowy projekt w Ameryce Południowej


New Research Project:  ‘Science and Religion in Latin America’

This is  a three-year project that aims to understand  and document research into issues regarding science and religion across Latin America, a region undergoing rapid academic  and economic growth. The intention is also  to stimulate new intellectual enquiry and  education in issues pertinent to science and  religion and to promote international collaboration.

This project is being conducted by the Ian  Ramsey Centre at Oxford University. Together with the sponsorship of the John Templeton Foundation and the association  of the British Council, the project will benefit with the close collaboration of the Fundación Decyr (Argentina), and the institutes  Cecir (Upaep, Mexico) and Cecrei (Pucsp, Brazil). Specific activities will include:

1) Research into the state of knowledge, resources and scholarship in science and religion in Latin America.

2) Three conferences: 2011 in Mexico City;

2012 in Brazil and 2013 in Oxford.

3) Two books, including a translation into Spanish and Portuguese of the Cambridge Companion to Science and Religion, and a new volume, by Latin American scholars, compiled during the project.

4) Two essay competitions, for junior and senior scholars respectively.

Source: SRLA

Konkursy na eseje o relacjach nauka teologia


ESSSAT Prizes for Studies in Science and Theology 2012

The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology invites submissions for

The ESSSAT Research Prize, sponsored by the Udo Keller Foundation, The ESSSAT Research Prize will honour the author of an outstanding original contribution on an aspect of the interaction of science and theology at a postgraduate or doctoral level.

The ESSSAT Student Prize, sponsored by the Udo Keller Foundation. The ESSSAT Student Prize will recognize the author of an essay of excellent quality written in an academic context at an undergraduate or graduate level.

The prizes will be presented at the Fourteenth European Conference on Science and Theology (ECST XIV), in Tartu, Estonia, April 24th- 29th 2012. The ESSSAT Research Prize will be  2000 €, and the ESSSAT Student Prize 1000 €. In addition to this, winners’ expenses for participation in and travel to this conference will be covered.

Source: ESSAT


Odszedł wybitny genetyk o. Luis Archer SJ


Father Luis Archer passed away in Lisbon last October 8th . He was a pioneer on the genetics field and former President of the Ethics National Council for Sciences of Life. He was born at Oporto 85 years ago, being Jesuit along 64 years.

Luis Archer was a brilliant scientist and a great man of faith. He taught molecular genetics in 13 different universities being distinguished with the National Award 2004 in Bioethics. He also published 250 scientific articles about Bioethics and molecular genetics, coordinated four important works and wrote more than six books.

In a time where bioethics assumes an undeniable importance and claims for a fruitful dialogue involving people and knowledge, Father Luis Archer was a respected voice by the scientific community, specially during his Presidency of the Ethics National Council for Sciences of Life (1996-2001). The dialogue between science and faith became so natural and easy with him. In fact, everything is far from being so tangible and expressible as one is wishing us to believe…

Photo: University of Porto

Ludzkość, Boskość i kosmiczna ewolucja


The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, a part of the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford

warmly invites:

Hope in the Universe? Humanity and Divinity

in the light of cosmic evolution

Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell

03 Nov 2011, The Old Dining Room, Harris Manchester College at 8:30 PM, with Drinks at 8:15PM.

This seminar, by an eminent astronomer famous for her discovery of radio pulsars while still a graduate student, will examine the prospects for humanity in the light of our current best understanding about the evolution of the universe and the questions this raises about the nature of God and the nature of hope.

Source: IRC

Letni Kurs o dialogi nauki i religii w Cambridge


The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

Summer Course no. 6: Science and Religion in Dialogue in 2011

July 17-23, 2011

St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, UK

Aim of Course: In this one week course a wide range of topics at the science/religion interface will be addressed by internationally renowned speakers. The topics to be covered include historical and philosophical perspectives; the relationships between physics, evolutionary biology and neuroscience with religion; and some of the ethical issues raised by science.

Speakers, schedule, fees and applications: here

Nauka i Religia – wprowadzenie w problematykę


The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambrigde

Invites for the course

An Introduction to Science and Religion

24-26 giugno 2011

Union Theological College, Belfast (U.K.)

Course schedule: below

Application forms and fees: here


O Darwinie, Teilhardzie i dramacie życia w Nowym Jorku


American Teilhard Association Annual Meeting

Darwin, Teilhard, and the Drama of Life

Speaker: John F. Haught

Saturday,  May 14, 2011, 12:30pm

Union Theological Seminary
3041 Broadway at 121st Street
New York, New York

Debate in Cracow: Science and Religion – space for dialogue


Dyskusja panelowa Nauka i religia – przestrzeń dialogu

w ramach cyklu wykładów„Nauka i Religia”

5 maja o godzinie 18.00

Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. J. Tischnera przy ul. Westerplatte 11

Dyskusja transmitowana będzie online na stronie Copernicus Center.

Źródło: Centrum Kopernika Badań Interdyscyplinarnych

Martin Rees – 2011 Templenton Prize Winner


Martin J. Rees, a theoretical astrophysicist whose profound insights on the cosmos have provoked vital questions that speak to humanity’s highest hopes and worst fears, has won the 2011 Templeton Prize.

Martin Rees
Photo: Cambridge University
Rees, Master of Trinity College, one of Cambridge University’s top academic posts, and former president of the Royal Society, the highest leadership position within British science, has spent decades investigating the implications of the big bang, the nature of black holes, events during the so-called ‘dark age’ of the early universe, and the mysterious explosions from galaxy centers known as gamma ray bursters.

In turn, the “big questions” he raises – such as “How large is physical reality?” – are reshaping crucial philosophical and theological considerations that strike at the core of life, fostering the spiritual progress that the Templeton Prize has long sought to recognize.

Source: Templeton Foundation

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