Archive for luty, 2011
Reasonings concerning God’s existence, Kraków
0Posiedzenie naukowe Komisji PAU „Fides et Ratio”
O pewnych wnioskowaniach na temat istnienia Boga
Ks. dr hab. Adam Olszewski (UPJPII)
17.02.2011, godz. 15.15, Mała Aula gmachu PAU przy ul. Sławkowskiej 17
Żródło: PAU, Kraków
Czy można znaleźć Boga w genach?
1Schöpfung in der Natur – Gott in den Genen?
Prof. Dr. H.-D. Mutschler (Krakau)
10.03.2011 um 19:00 Uhr
Veranstaltungsort: Frauenkirche Dresden
Kosten: Eintritt frei
Der Naturalismus speist sich heute eher aus den Lebenswissenschaften als aus der Physik. In der Evolutionstheorie wird angenommen, dass die Lebewesen durch Umwelteinflüsse und durch Zufallsmutationen jeweils anders werden, nie aber besser im eigentlichen Sinne. Es gibt – biologisch gesehen – keine qualitative Steigerung und deshalb ist auch der Mensch – wiederum biologisch gesehen – nicht mehr oder besser als ein Tier oder eine Pflanze, nur anders. Dieses Ergebnis ist ausserordentlich kontraintuitiv. Ist die Natur imstande, wirklich Neues zu produzieren? Wenn ja, dann hat das natürlich auch Konsequenzen für die Vorstellung von Gott, der die Schöpfung dauernd begleitet und trägt.
Archbishop Jozef Zycinski Died Unexpectedly
0Metropolitan of Lublin died suddenly in Rome on Thursday February 10. The cause of death of Archbishop Jozef Zycinski was probably a stroke. He was 63 years old.
Photo: Agencja Gazeta
Ordained to priesthood, 1972; Pontifical Academy of Theology, Kraków, Ph.D., 1976; Academy of Catholic Theology, Warsaw, second Ph.D. and habilitation in philosophy, 1980.
Metropolitan Archbishop of Lublin, 1997-present; Grand Chancellor of the Catholic University of Lublin, 1997-present; Papal Academy of Theology, Kraków, professor, since 1980, then Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy; In collaboration with Pope John Paul II organized the Program of Interdisciplinary Dialogue “Science-Faith”; Committee member of the Polish Academy of Science; Congregation for Education at the Papal Academy in Rome; Member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences, World; Council of Churches, and the Russian Academy of Science
Author and editor of over 50 books and 300 articles, including in the following journals: Philosophy in Science, Il Nuovo Areopago, Review of Metaphysics, Astronomy Quarterly, and The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; founder of the journal Philosophy in Science, and Philosophy in Science Library series.
Selected books: Cultural Odyssey of Man, 2005; Christian Inspirations in the Origins of Modern Science, 2000; Three Cultures: Science, the Humanities, and Religious Values, 1990; God and Evolution, 2006; The Structure of Metascientific Revolution, 1988; Philosophy in Science, 1985.
Gifford Lectures w Edinburghu dla Petera Harrisona
0Gifford Lectures 2011
Peter Harrison will deliver a Series of Gifford Lectures at the University of Edinburgh in 2010-2011.
Lecture Series Theme: Science, Regligion and Modernity
This lecture series will offer a revised history of science-religion interactions in the West. It will consider the way in which religious concerns have shaped the study of nature over the past 2000 years, with a particular focus on the changing boundaries of science and religion. It will be argued that these two ideas—science and religion—are distinctively Western and modern, that they are mutually interdependent, and that a recognition of their history will help revise our understanding of their present relations.
Prof. Harrison is Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University and Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre.
Dates: 14, 15, 17, 21, 22 and 24 February 2011. All lectures take place at 5.30 pm
Venue: St Cecilia’s Hall, Cowgate, Edinburgh
These lectures are free but ticketed
Source: Ian Ramsey Centre, Cambridge, UK.
O ewolucji i moralności w Oxfordzie
0The Evolution of Morality and the Morality of Evolution
October 25th, 2010
St Anne’s College, Oxford 8-11 July.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers include:
Edward J. Larson (Pepperdine University)
Ronald L. Numbers (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Stephen J. Pope (Boston College)
Michael Ruse (Florida State University)
Naomi Beck (Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Studies)
Jeff Schloss (Westmount College, CA)
Source: Ian Ramsey Centre, Cambridge, UK.