Posts tagged wykłady

Prof. Heller on the Philosophy of Józef Życiński


Posiedzenie naukowe Komisji „Fides et Ratio” Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności

Program filozoficzny Józefa Życińskiego

Ks. prof. dr. hab. Michał Heller

16.06.2011, godz. 15.15

Mała Aula gmachu PAU przy ul. Sławkowskiej 17

O Kreacjonizmie i ID w Paryżu


Réseau Blaise Pascal Sciences, Cultures et Foi invite

Créationnisme et dessein intelligent

Dominique Lecourt

philosophe, spécialiste de la philosophie des sciences ,

les Mercredis 1er juin et 6 juillet, de 20 h à 21 h 30

au collège des Bernardins, Paris, France

Source: collège des Bernardins

Ewolucja biologiczna 150 lat po „O powstawaniu gatunków”


The Specialization in Science and Philosophy at the Gregorian University is glad to present the volume

Biological Evolution: Facts and Theories. A Critical Appraisal 150 Years After “The Origin of Species”

G. Auletta, M. Leclerc, R. A. Martinez (eds), G&B press 2011

May 27th (4.15 pm)

Aula Magna. La locandina, Gregorian University, Rom, Italy

At the event, Prof. Werner Arber, the new President of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, will offer a Public Lecture on:

Molecular Darwinism in the Context of Sustainable Development

Introduction: R.P. François-Xavier Dumortier S.I., Magnifico Rettore della Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Conclusions: Prof. Gennaro Auletta, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Vice Direttore della Conferenza

Conferenza in lingua inglese con traduzione simultanea in italiano

O Darwinie, Teilhardzie i dramacie życia w Nowym Jorku


American Teilhard Association Annual Meeting

Darwin, Teilhard, and the Drama of Life

Speaker: John F. Haught

Saturday,  May 14, 2011, 12:30pm

Union Theological Seminary
3041 Broadway at 121st Street
New York, New York

Seminaria w Ian Ramsey Center 2011


Forthcoming seminars in Ian Ramsey Center for Science and Religion

the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford

17 Nov 2011Chaos and the Character of God – Prof. Paul Ewart

03 Nov 2011Hope in the Universe? Humanity and Divinity in the light of cosmic evolution – Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell

26 May 2011Morality, Neuroscience and Religion: The Sacred Rites in Kant’s Soul – Dr Stephen Clarke

12 May 2011Evolutionary Theology without the Concept of 'Progress’ – Dr Fraser N. Watts

Science as Theology


Posiedzenie naukowe Komisji PAU „Fides et Ratio”

Nauka jako teologia

Dr hab. Mieszko M. Tałasiewicz

14.04.2011, godz. 15.15,

Mała Aula gmachu PAU przy ul. Sławkowskiej 17, Kraków, Poland

Rationality of formulating and justifying religious beliefs


Otwarte seminarium doktoranckie Katedry Teorii Poznania KUL

Racjonalność formułowania i uzasadniania przekonań religijnych

dr hab. Marek Hetmański, prof. UMCS

31 marca br. (czwartek) godz. 15.30,

Katedra Teorii Poznania (GG-s. 37), KUL, Lublin

Theology-Science: Which Theology? Which Science?


Posiedzenie naukowe Komisji PAU „Fides et Ratio”

Teologia (fides) – nauka (ratio): jaka teologia? jaka nauka?

Ks. prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bronk,

24.03.2011, godz. 15.15,

sala nr 24 gmachu PAU przy ul. Sławkowskiej 17

Żródło: PAU

O nauce i religii z prof. Owenem Gingerichem


Goshen College Religion and Science Conference

MARCH 25-27, 2011 AT GOSHEN COLLEGE, Northern Indiana, USA

At the eleventh annual Goshen College Religion and Science Conference the speaker will be Owen Gingerich, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and of the History of Science at Harvard University and a senior astronomer emeritus at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

The lectures on Friday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, March 26 at 10:30 a.m. in the Goshen College Church-Chapel free and open to the public.

Source: Goshen College


Jak rozumieć stworzenie na obraz Boga w kontekście ewolucji człowieka?


Public Forum with Joshua Moritz on

Chosen from Among the Animals: The End of Human Uniqueness and the Election of the Image of God

April 14, 2011: 7pm,

Graduate Theological Union Library, Dinner Board Room, 2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley

(free and open to the public)

What does it mean for human beings to be created in the ‘image and likeness of God’? In both popular opinion and the minds of many scientists and academics, the idea of human uniqueness and human superiority has been linked to the Christian doctrine of the imago Dei. Among Christian philosophers and theologians the connection between the unique nature of humans and the divine likeness has similarly been assumed and even systematically argued for. Pursuing what is called the comparative approach to theological anthropology these philosophers and theologians have asked, in what ways is human nature different from the nature of animals and, therefore, like the nature of God? In contrast to these scholars, Moritz questions any concept of the image of God that equates the imago Dei with some characteristic or capacity which presumably makes humans unique—in a non-trivial way—from other animals. He concludes that the image of God is—exegetically and theologically—best understood in light of the Hebrew theological framework of historical election. Viewing the imago Dei as election incorporates the findings of contemporary biblical studies and takes seriously scientific understandings of both evolutionary continuity and the psychosomatic unity of the human person.

Source: CTNS

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