O wierze i filozofii w Londynie


Centre for Philosophy of Religion

Heythrop College, University of London

announces conference:

Faith and Philosophy

Saturday 11th June, 2011

The Loyola Hall, Heythrop College, Kensington Square, London W8 5HN

Programme (below)


Debate in Cracow: Science and Religion – space for dialogue


Dyskusja panelowa Nauka i religia – przestrzeń dialogu

w ramach cyklu wykładów„Nauka i Religia”

5 maja o godzinie 18.00

Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. J. Tischnera przy ul. Westerplatte 11

Dyskusja transmitowana będzie online na stronie Copernicus Center.

Źródło: Centrum Kopernika Badań Interdyscyplinarnych

Seminaria w Ian Ramsey Center 2011


Forthcoming seminars in Ian Ramsey Center for Science and Religion

the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford

17 Nov 2011Chaos and the Character of God – Prof. Paul Ewart

03 Nov 2011Hope in the Universe? Humanity and Divinity in the light of cosmic evolution – Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell

26 May 2011Morality, Neuroscience and Religion: The Sacred Rites in Kant’s Soul – Dr Stephen Clarke

12 May 2011Evolutionary Theology without the Concept of 'Progress’ – Dr Fraser N. Watts

Contemporary controversies concerning SOUL



z cyklu:

Filozoficzne i naukowo-przyrodnicze elementy obrazu świata (14)

Współczesne kontrowersje wokół duszy

(w 100. rocznicę urodzin ks. prof. Kazimierza Kłósaka)

11 maja 2011

Instytut Filozofii – Sekcja Filozofii Przyrody UKSW

Warszawa, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, Auditorium Maximum – Aula im. Roberta Schumana

Żródło: Instytut Filozofii Przyrody UKSW (tam też program)

Science as Theology


Posiedzenie naukowe Komisji PAU „Fides et Ratio”

Nauka jako teologia

Dr hab. Mieszko M. Tałasiewicz

14.04.2011, godz. 15.15,

Mała Aula gmachu PAU przy ul. Sławkowskiej 17, Kraków, Poland

The 15th Kraków Methodological Conference


The Emotional Brain:

From the Humanities to Neuroscience and Back Again

19-20 May 2011, Kraków

In the past, emotions and feelings belonged to the domain of the humanities. They were analyzed by philosophers and cherished by poets, while the sciences looked at them with suspicion or simply ignored them.

The 'affective revolution’ of the 1990s changed all this. Neuroscientists have showed us that emotions and feelings can be investigated with empirical methods. Moreover, they proved that the role of emotions is essential both for our perception of the world and for our social institutions. The challenge that we face today may be described as follows. Can both disciplines – the humanities and neuroscience – enrich and educate each other and close the gap between the Geisteswissenschaften and Naturwissenschaften. Or maybe it is neuroscience that will dominate the reflection over the human emotional life? Or possibly it will stay as it is: two separate disciplines, two separate methods, with no real point of contact?

Source: Conference Website

Martin Rees – 2011 Templenton Prize Winner


Martin J. Rees, a theoretical astrophysicist whose profound insights on the cosmos have provoked vital questions that speak to humanity’s highest hopes and worst fears, has won the 2011 Templeton Prize.

Martin Rees
Photo: Cambridge University
Rees, Master of Trinity College, one of Cambridge University’s top academic posts, and former president of the Royal Society, the highest leadership position within British science, has spent decades investigating the implications of the big bang, the nature of black holes, events during the so-called ‘dark age’ of the early universe, and the mysterious explosions from galaxy centers known as gamma ray bursters.

In turn, the “big questions” he raises – such as “How large is physical reality?” – are reshaping crucial philosophical and theological considerations that strike at the core of life, fostering the spiritual progress that the Templeton Prize has long sought to recognize.

Source: Templeton Foundation

Po polsku: Deon.pl

Inicjatywa dialogu z niewierzącymi w Paryżu


Parvis des Gentils

Deux jours d’échanges et de dialogues entre croyants et non-croyants

24-25 mars 2011

Le Conseil Pontifical de la Culture organise, avec l’Institut catholique de Paris, le lancement d’une nouvelle structure de dialogue entre croyants et non croyants, appelée le Parvis des Gentils. Celle-ci, sur une suggestion du pape Benoît XVI, est destinée à construire un espace de dialogue « avec ceux pour qui la religion est une chose étrangère, pour qui Dieu est inconnu, et qui, cependant, ne voudraient pas rester simplement sans Dieu, mais l’approcher au moins comme Inconnu ».

Le Parvis des Gentils sera le support d’activités diverses : plusieurs grands colloques par an (Bologne au printemps 2011 ; Stockholm à l’automne 2011), l’écriture en commun de pièces de théâtre ou la réalisation d’œuvres d’arts, des rencontres (ex. avec ceux qui ont subi un athéisme d’Etat et cherchent des voies nouvelles en Albanie, 2011).

Paris a été choisi comme lieu symbolique fort pour inaugurer cette structure. Ainsi, les 24 et 25 mars 2011, trois sites de prestige – l’UNESCO, la Sorbonne et l’Institut de France – permettront à plusieurs hautes personnalités du monde de la culture de dialoguer autour du thème « Lumières, religions, raison commune ».

Parvis des Gentils


Rationality of formulating and justifying religious beliefs


Otwarte seminarium doktoranckie Katedry Teorii Poznania KUL

Racjonalność formułowania i uzasadniania przekonań religijnych

dr hab. Marek Hetmański, prof. UMCS

31 marca br. (czwartek) godz. 15.30,

Katedra Teorii Poznania (GG-s. 37), KUL, Lublin

Theology-Science: Which Theology? Which Science?


Posiedzenie naukowe Komisji PAU „Fides et Ratio”

Teologia (fides) – nauka (ratio): jaka teologia? jaka nauka?

Ks. prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bronk,

24.03.2011, godz. 15.15,

sala nr 24 gmachu PAU przy ul. Sławkowskiej 17

Żródło: PAU

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