ESSSAT w Estoni: konferencja Co to jest życie?
0The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT)
invites you to the Fourteenth European Conference on Science and Theology
What is life?
24-29 April 2012, Tartu, Estonia
All of us can accept the challenge and try our own take on this topic: Is life a biological, or philosophical, theological or paleoarcheological, social scientific or psychological issue, or all of it, and many others? Are the best representations of life presented by artists, are the best explanations by biosemioticians? Is life a process of dying slowly, or a prelude to something else?
There will be five plenary lectures, a panel and ample space for short paper discussions .Plenary lectures will be held by Gayle Wolochak, Stuart Kauffman, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Richard Villems and Antje Jackelén. General Assembly will meet on April 27, 14.00-15.00.
Source: ESSSAT What is life?
Konkursy na eseje o relacjach nauka teologia
1ESSSAT Prizes for Studies in Science and Theology 2012
The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology invites submissions for
The ESSSAT Research Prize, sponsored by the Udo Keller Foundation, The ESSSAT Research Prize will honour the author of an outstanding original contribution on an aspect of the interaction of science and theology at a postgraduate or doctoral level.
The ESSSAT Student Prize, sponsored by the Udo Keller Foundation. The ESSSAT Student Prize will recognize the author of an essay of excellent quality written in an academic context at an undergraduate or graduate level.
The prizes will be presented at the Fourteenth European Conference on Science and Theology (ECST XIV), in Tartu, Estonia, April 24th- 29th 2012. The ESSSAT Research Prize will be 2000 €, and the ESSSAT Student Prize 1000 €. In addition to this, winners’ expenses for participation in and travel to this conference will be covered.
Source: ESSAT
Odszedł wybitny genetyk o. Luis Archer SJ
0Father Luis Archer passed away in Lisbon last October 8th . He was a pioneer on the genetics field and former President of the Ethics National Council for Sciences of Life. He was born at Oporto 85 years ago, being Jesuit along 64 years.
Luis Archer was a brilliant scientist and a great man of faith. He taught molecular genetics in 13 different universities being distinguished with the National Award 2004 in Bioethics. He also published 250 scientific articles about Bioethics and molecular genetics, coordinated four important works and wrote more than six books.
In a time where bioethics assumes an undeniable importance and claims for a fruitful dialogue involving people and knowledge, Father Luis Archer was a respected voice by the scientific community, specially during his Presidency of the Ethics National Council for Sciences of Life (1996-2001). The dialogue between science and faith became so natural and easy with him. In fact, everything is far from being so tangible and expressible as one is wishing us to believe…
Photo: University of Porto
Ludzkość, Boskość i kosmiczna ewolucja
0The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, a part of the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford
warmly invites:
Hope in the Universe? Humanity and Divinity
in the light of cosmic evolution
Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell
03 Nov 2011, The Old Dining Room, Harris Manchester College at 8:30 PM, with Drinks at 8:15PM.
This seminar, by an eminent astronomer famous for her discovery of radio pulsars while still a graduate student, will examine the prospects for humanity in the light of our current best understanding about the evolution of the universe and the questions this raises about the nature of God and the nature of hope.
Source: IRC
Konferencja Wiara i Rozum
0Colloque de Philosophie et de Théologie à l’occasion des 10 ans de fondation du Studium de Philosophie de Chartres
et de l’Institut de Théologie des Dombes
8 au 11 décembre 2011 à Tigery (Essonne).
Organisé par la Communauté du Chemin Neuf
Y participeront et interviendront, entre autres, Marguerite Léna, Isabelle Bochet, Etienne Vetö, Jean-Noël Dumont, Laurent Gallois, Pascal Ide, Jérôme de Gramont, Philippe Mercier, Christian Grappe, Vincent Holzer, François Lestang, Eric Charmetant et Paul Valadier
Sœurs ennemies ou sœurs jumelles, servante et maîtresse ou compagnes de labeur, la foi et la raison ont été légitimement nommées « les deux ailes » qui élèvent vers la vérité (Fides et Ratio). La fécondité de la vie de l’esprit dépend de leur juste rapport : s’éclairant l’une l’autre, elles donnent à contempler « la vérité dans ses éclats ».
Philosophes, théologiens de différentes églises, exégètes, moralistes, artistes rendront compte de la manière dont leur discipline articule le rapport foi et raison. Dans un cadre de prière, les participants pourront assister à des conférences, des ateliers et des tables rondes.
Pour toute information complémentaire, pour avoir le programme et s’inscrire, voir ici
Nadzieja wobec zła – dialog z Teilhardem de Chardin
0l’Association des Amis de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, le Pôle Recherche du Collège des Bernardins et la Chaire Teilhard de Chardin du Centre Sèvres
organisent les 4 et 5 novembre 2011 un colloque intitulé
L’espérance à l’épreuve du mal: un dialogue avec Teilhard de Chardin
Il aura lieu au Collège des Bernardins (20 rue de Poissy- 75005 Paris)
Pour toute information complémentaire, et pour s’inscrire voir ici
L’argumentaire et le programme sont ci-dessous
Theology and postsecular philosophy – call for papers
0Katedra Filozofii Boga na Wydziale Filozoficznym UPJPII
zaprasza do udziału w konferencji naukowej
Wokół myśli postsekularnej- teologia „Na pustyni”
26 listopada 2011 r.
Uniwersytet Papieski JPII, ul. Franciszkańska 1, Kraków, Polska
Tematyka konferencji będzie się koncentrować wokół psychoanalitycznej lektury nowoczesności zaproponowanej przez prof. Agatę Bielik-Robson w jej książce Na pustyni.
Zgłoszenia wraz z abstraktami należy przesyłać do 30 września br.
Z wszystkimi potrzebnymi informacjami dotyczącymi konferencji, jak również z fragmentem niewydanej jeszcze książki prof. Agaty Bielik-Robson, który stanie się nicią przewodnią dyskusji można zapoznać się na stronie konferencji.
Prof. Heller on the Philosophy of Józef Życiński
0Posiedzenie naukowe Komisji „Fides et Ratio” Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności
Program filozoficzny Józefa Życińskiego
Ks. prof. dr. hab. Michał Heller
16.06.2011, godz. 15.15
Mała Aula gmachu PAU przy ul. Sławkowskiej 17
Letni Kurs o dialogi nauki i religii w Cambridge
1The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion
Summer Course no. 6: Science and Religion in Dialogue in 2011
July 17-23, 2011
St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, UK
Aim of Course: In this one week course a wide range of topics at the science/religion interface will be addressed by internationally renowned speakers. The topics to be covered include historical and philosophical perspectives; the relationships between physics, evolutionary biology and neuroscience with religion; and some of the ethical issues raised by science.
Speakers, schedule, fees and applications: here