ESSSAT Prizes for Studies in Science and Theology 2012

The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology invites submissions for

The ESSSAT Research Prize, sponsored by the Udo Keller Foundation, The ESSSAT Research Prize will honour the author of an outstanding original contribution on an aspect of the interaction of science and theology at a postgraduate or doctoral level.

The ESSSAT Student Prize, sponsored by the Udo Keller Foundation. The ESSSAT Student Prize will recognize the author of an essay of excellent quality written in an academic context at an undergraduate or graduate level.

The prizes will be presented at the Fourteenth European Conference on Science and Theology (ECST XIV), in Tartu, Estonia, April 24th- 29th 2012. The ESSSAT Research Prize will be  2000 €, and the ESSSAT Student Prize 1000 €. In addition to this, winners’ expenses for participation in and travel to this conference will be covered.

Source: ESSAT

The ESSSAT Research and Student Prizes seek to honour students or younger scholars from Europe, preferably authors born after 1970. A candidate for the Research or Student Prize must be nominated by a senior faculty member of a university or similar institution of higher education in Europe. The work must be based on research done in Europe (with allowance for a period of research elsewhere of at most one year) and have been accepted for academic credit, presented or published in 2009-2011. It may be in any major European language. It need not have been published.


Applications for these prizes must be received by the secretary of ESSSAT before November 1st 2011 for Research Prize and January 15th 2012 for Student Prize.

Each application must include

(a)    The work itself. An electronic application, e.g. as a pdf-file, is preferred. If this is impossible, three copies of the material should be submitted.
(b) A two-page summary in English.
(c)    A brief curriculum vitae of the author (stating nationality); and
(d)    A letter of nomination.
Submitted material will not be returned.

The Secretary of ESSSAT:
Lotta Knutsson Bråkenhielm

The Theological Faculty, Uppsala University

Box 511

751 20 UPPSALA


Email: [email protected]