Nagrody ESSSAT za badania w zakresie nauk i teologii
0The ESSSAT Research Prize for Studies in Science and Theology 2012
and the ESSSAT Student Prize 2012
The ESSSAT Research Prize 2012 has been awarded to Dr. Anna Ijjas for her study Der Alte mit dem Würfel: Ein Beitrag zur Metaphysik der Quantenmechanik (The Old One with the Dice: A Contribution to the Metaphysics of Quantum Physics).
The ESSSAT Student Prize 2012 has been awarded to Annemarie van Stee for her study Philosophical anthropological assumptions in cognitive neuroscience of self.
Source: ESSSAT
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Przyznano europejską nagrodę za badania na religią
0European Prize for Research on Cognitive Theories of Religion
The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology, ESSSAT, in 2010 has awarded its biannual ESSSAT Prize for Research to Dr. Aku Visala for his philosophical analysis of cognitive theories of religion.
Aku Visala is currently visiting fellow with the Center for Anthropology and Mind, Oxford University, UK.