Archive for listopad, 2011
Odszedł wybitny genetyk o. Luis Archer SJ
0Father Luis Archer passed away in Lisbon last October 8th . He was a pioneer on the genetics field and former President of the Ethics National Council for Sciences of Life. He was born at Oporto 85 years ago, being Jesuit along 64 years.
Luis Archer was a brilliant scientist and a great man of faith. He taught molecular genetics in 13 different universities being distinguished with the National Award 2004 in Bioethics. He also published 250 scientific articles about Bioethics and molecular genetics, coordinated four important works and wrote more than six books.
In a time where bioethics assumes an undeniable importance and claims for a fruitful dialogue involving people and knowledge, Father Luis Archer was a respected voice by the scientific community, specially during his Presidency of the Ethics National Council for Sciences of Life (1996-2001). The dialogue between science and faith became so natural and easy with him. In fact, everything is far from being so tangible and expressible as one is wishing us to believe…
Photo: University of Porto
Ludzkość, Boskość i kosmiczna ewolucja
0The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, a part of the Theology Faculty at the University of Oxford
warmly invites:
Hope in the Universe? Humanity and Divinity
in the light of cosmic evolution
Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell
03 Nov 2011, The Old Dining Room, Harris Manchester College at 8:30 PM, with Drinks at 8:15PM.
This seminar, by an eminent astronomer famous for her discovery of radio pulsars while still a graduate student, will examine the prospects for humanity in the light of our current best understanding about the evolution of the universe and the questions this raises about the nature of God and the nature of hope.
Source: IRC