Archive for 12 stycznia 2011

O nauczaniu religii i naukach przyrodniczych w Cambridge


Science and Religious Education in Schools: New Possibilities

Garden Room, Library Building, St Edmund’s College, Cambridge

June 25-25, 2011

Aim of conference: This one-day conference will provide an intensive and exciting programme for those with an interest in the teaching and learning of science and religion. It will suit teachers and trainee teachers of science and religious education in primary and secondary schools. Join us to share ideas; hear from lead-researchers; ask questions of an expert panel and to network over a buffet lunch (which is included within the fee). There will also be a presentation of the LASAR project initial findings.

Source and more about the event: The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

Conference schedule and speakres below


Letnia Szkoła w Cambridge


Summer Course: Science and Religion in Dialogue in 2011

St Edmund’s College, Cambridge: July 17-23, 2011

Aim of Course: In this one week course a wide range of topics at the science/religion interface will be addressed by internationally renowned speakers. The topics to be covered include historical and philosophical perspectives; the relationships between physics, evolutionary biology and neuroscience with religion; and some of the ethical issues raised by science.

Speakers (listed in alphabetical order) and topics below

Source: The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion


Believers and Unbelievers in search for common language


Racjonalność wiary – granice niewiary

Panel dyskusyjny w ramach Dni o Kościele, Kraków 14-17 stycznia 2011

Goście: ks. prof. Stanisław Wszołek, prof. Jan Woleński, Paweł Rojek

17 stycznia 2011 – Poniedziałek

godz. 18.30, Klasztor oo. Dominikanów, ul. Stolarska, Kraków

Debata o wspólnym języku chrześcijan i niewierzących, filozoficznych motywach dialogu i możliwości ominięcia sprzecznych aksjomatów.

Dyskusja organizowana przez Instytut Tertio Millennio.

Więcej o Dniach o Kościele

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